
12 May 2016

1100 look heimstone collection bloom veste Tichy dentelle robe java - copyright Pauline

Hey! After this nice little angry outburst, let’s get back to outfits!

But before saying anything about my look, a few words about your reactions on my previous article.


This kind of article feels so good. First, getting angry can be very healthy sometimes, because when you keep it all in, you will eventually explode. Writing things down is the best option I know to avoid this.

And then… your reactions.

What can I say except thank you?

You set me back on track by proving me that you understand and support my position. Reading you reassured me … READ MORE

Insta Life & Style

8 May 2016

1100 look sezane instagram - copyright Pauline

I really feel like talking to you today! I hope you’ll send many comments, or this post will remain a sad monologue…

Let’s talk about Instagram!

These last few weeks, between the rumor of a new algorithm being launched, people panicking all over the world, and much less “likes” on many accounts as a consequence, it was quite a revolution in the parallel world of “IGers”. I was in the middle of my moving with a very young baby, so I’ve been forced to stay away from the blog and all its satellite for a while. It actually gave me … READ MORE


27 April 2016

look chaussures sezane valentina camel sezane paris tango valentino - copyright Pauline

During Sézane last capsule sale, I couldn’t resist buying a few things (as always) : the gorgeous Dino pleated skirt, and the denim Teddy jacket, two beauties you’ll see very soon. But above all… this beautiful pair of medium heels shoes! They’re called Valentina, and they actually remind me of the Valentino Tan-Go I’ve been obsessed with – you’ve heard about them already since it’s not the first time I found some substitute (remember here).

I’m sure these pretty Valentina will live a wonderful life in my shoesing. I can predict that, like my Claude handbagREAD MORE

Unter den Bäumen

25 April 2016

1100 pull sezane sac claude cluse watch mint jean repetto pull trench - copyright Pauline

Back to the looks after this crazy moving!

Back to where we stopped: trench coats!

Another one, yes! After the suede burgundy (here) and the classic camel (here), here is a black one, sleeveless but with many zippers and push-buttons that make it look like a perfecto-trench. It comes from Pimkie’s capsule collection with Doriane von Overeem. Not bad, is it?

This is my 3rd trench-501-perforated sweater combo (ready to play “four in row”? ☺), but after the very feminine stilettos and the two-color sneakers, I’m wearing it with my damaged black ballerinas! And … READ MORE


24 April 2016

kusmi tea aquarosa - copyright Pauline

Yet another apartment. Yet another country. And many more boxes to unpack! After New York and Switzerland, we’re now in Germany for an indefinite period of time.

The good thing is, it takes me less and less time to feel at home! I just need a little time on my own, lying on the couch with a tea, and there you go! It’s magic.

Today, I tried the new Kusmi fruit tea, beautifully called Aquarosa. Combining hibiscus, apple, black berries and red fruits, you can drink it hot or iced. I love its sweet and sour taste, both floral and … READ MORE

Les Saisons

19 April 2016

test givenchy les saisons primer mister radiant poudre bonne mine - copyright Pauline

En tant que membre du Club Givenchy, j’ai la chance de pouvoir tester les nouvelles gammes de maquillage de la marque. La nouveauté de ce printemps, c’est la gamme Les Saisons.

J’étais vraiment curieuse d’essayer ces nouveaux produits car je mets un point d’honneur à me faire le teint correctement depuis quelques années. Avant, quand j’étais plus jeune, un brin de mascara, une touche de blush et mon lipstick préféré et hop, on en parlait plus. Mais la trentaine passée, ça ne suffit plus pour avoir une mine fraîche et reposée. Le teint c’est crucial, peu importe la saison !… READ MORE