Zebra & Flamingo

25 April 2013


Today,  a « wildlife » outfit ! A zebra dress, leopard tights, and a pink flamingo pouch.

Makes you want to travel on a photo safari, right ?

I’m also wearing a pretty embroidered bomber jacket and my famous Mango two-colored stilettos, as seen in this article.

I have to go already – I won’t be Miss Chatterbox, for once ! I’ve got a lot of work this week… and a little surprise for you very soon…

See you !







MAJE dress via Place des Tendances – ALBERTINE Pink Flamingo bag via Vitrines Parisiennes – VIRGINIE CASTAWAY Bomber Jacket … READ MORE

Beyoncé x Pepsi : gagnez une place pour le concert de Beyoncé à Bercy !

23 April 2013


Un petit concours express pour gagner une place pour le concert de Beyoncé à Bercy demain soir ça vous dit ? C’est Pepsi qui invite !

Je vais faire au plus vite car le temps est compté d’ici demain soir !

Pour la 5ème fois, Pepsi et Beyoncé s’associent, pour prôner leur philosophie commune, le Carpe Diem moderne version boisson pétillante : “embrace your past, but
LIVE FOR NOW !” Le fruit de cette collaboration, c’est une super pub Pepsi, façon retrospective des chorégraphies les plus mythiques de Beyoncé :

Et pour fêter ça, Pepsi m’a proposé de vous faire READ MORE

Blooming Upper East Side


As I was saying yesterday, the weather is still chilly, but the streets of New York are adorning themselves with the beauties of Spring. My neighbourhood, the Upper East Side, is covered with tulips and daffodils, it’s just splendid !

And even though I can’t wait to wear spring clothes and inaugurate my new little dresses (I have a few I’m so eager to show you !), for the moment, I’d rather wear a little coat and a cashmere sweater.

So here is a rather simple and yet stylish  look, as I like them theses days : simple cuts, noble … READ MORE

Spring Blossoms in Central Park

22 April 2013


A Sunday cool little look, shooted during a walk in Central Park, among the flowering trees.

I had come twice to New York before moving here : once at the beginning of Autumn, and the other time at the very beginning of summer ; and I actually think right now is THE most beautiful moment to come here ! The weather is still hesitant and some mornings are still rather cold, but New York City is more in bloom than ever ! The blooming trees, the tulips and daffodils… all the nature kicking the concrete away, this is just magical … READ MORE

Glam n°84

19 April 2013


Aujourd’hui, c’est un total look MANGO que je vous propose !

Mais plus encore, je vous propose, grâce à Fashiolista
et à la plus glamour des marques espagnoles, la possibilité de gagner un bon d’achat de 500€ valable sur tout le site Mango !

Mais d’abord parlons de ma tenue !

J’ai choisi une robe plissée corail (j’ai une obsession pour les robes qui tournent en ce moment…), un sweater avec l’inscription GLAM n°84 (comme je suis née en
1984, j’ai tout de suite craqué), une paire d’escarpins bicolores très classiques du genre “comment ai-je pu vivre sans des escarpins

73rd Street

17 April 2013


A rather casual look with a touch of neon colors : an outfit as I like them, comfy but with strong pieces that can’t go unnoticed ! I already told about the low boots from my collaboration with Mood by me : here there are in a real situation !

Needless to say how much I love them, but please notice how they perfectly match my new neon lace Anthropologie sweatshirt (by the way, having an Anthropologie shop only a few subway stops from home : a torture for – please choose the right answer – self control / your READ MORE