Frames of Life

29 July 2013

framesoflife frames of life armani - -_-2

I had a very beautiful birthday week-end : a musical on Broadway, a brunch on a yacht around Manhattan and a one-hour massage in a spa : HEAVEN !!

Here is what I was wearing yesterday : my CARVEN Camera Bag , found on MONNIER Frère, that I told you about here ; my EKYOG Rylee dress (I don’t know if you remember, but I had it last year in sand, and I wore it all summer long ; this year, it was back in pastel salmon pink, and I just couldn’t resist) ; my neon orange stilettos ; … READ MORE

Happy Birthday to me !

26 July 2013

magnolia bakery cupcakes birthday cake - -_-12

This Sunday, I will turn 29 !!

One year older… and above all, only one year left until I turn 30 !

Strangely, I’m quite ok with it. I thought I was going to be depressed to come so close to an age that scares me a little. Well, it’s true that it’s getting harder and harder to accept the gap between how old I think I am (about 20 years old) and how old I really am. But let’s forget about the countdown tick-tack for a while and look closer (I don’t know about you, but I can’t help … READ MORE

Miss Camping

24 July 2013

nice things miss camping - -_-8

I’m sorry for the lousy title, but I couldn’t find anything better (believe me, it’s not always easy to find original and appropriate ideas !). Anyway, this summer  « Boris doesn’t care »* (yes, totally, you have the references you deserve).

Let’s start again ! Today’s little outfit was shot just before the storm (we barely had enough time to take the pictures before the thunder started rumbling), under New York warm humidity that – among other unpleasant things – makes your fringe curl (grrr). I wanted to show you this pretty dress from the adorable spanish brand NICE THINGSREAD MORE

My CARVEN Camera Bag

23 July 2013

camera bag Carven Paris map print - -_-2

I’m taking advantage of the storm that arrived in New York, and of the relative freshness that feels good (we lost a few degrees, so that we now have the same temperatures as in France, where they call it a heatwave… I have to say that, seen from the other side of the Atlantic, where it was more than 100°F only a few days ago, it makes me laugh a little ! Oh yeah, I’m a nasty mocking girl hahahaha – evil laughter) to show you a recent « love at first sight » purchase.

This lovely CARVEN Camera Bag … READ MORE

More than 100° F…

19 July 2013

cabas fluo vanessa bruno - -_-3

So hot… tired… I’m melting… my feet are huge… I’m tired of moaning, I’m tired of myself !

Here is a circumstantial look but no chit-chatting…

Can’t even type on my keyboard…

I’m gonna put my head in the freezer again, and I’ll be right back… See you soon !

cabas fluo vanessa bruno - -_-16cabas fluo vanessa bruno - -_-8 cabas fluo vanessa bruno - -_-7 cabas fluo vanessa bruno - -_-13 cabas fluo vanessa bruno - -_-5 cabas fluo vanessa bruno - -_-9 cabas fluo vanessa bruno - -_ cabas fluo vanessa bruno - -_-10cabas fluo vanessa bruno - -_-11 cabas fluo vanessa bruno - -_-4

EKYOG T-shirt – KARL MARC JOHN shorts via Place des tendancesGEORGIA ROSE sandals via SarenzaVANESSA BRUNO tote bag via Place des tendances – SHOUROUK bangle – LOLITA LEMPICKA  heart shaped sunglasses – ILLAMASQUA neon nailpolish via Sephora.frREAD MORE